Friday, February 6, 2015

INVEST in your future!!!

Life's all about the choices you make. Every choice has a consequence, either positive or negative. This applies also with the choices you make daily in your diet and exercise regiment. By deciding to eat healthier and train on a regular basis, you're making an investment in yourself. This investment will repay you down the road with a stronger immune system as well as the ability to live your live to the FULLEST!!!!!

This should be no surprise to any of you that I am a strong advocate to health and fitness. I believe that it should be essential to everyone's daily routine. Not only are you getting yourself in the best physical shape, but studies have shown that it can help you mentally too. Regular exercise can reduce depression and anxiety! People often joke that the gym is their therapy but it's so true! Often times I find myself just focused on the workout I'm doing at the moment and I am able to zone out any other issues I have going on in my life. Whether the stressor is friends, family, relationships, money, work, or anything else - when I'm in the gym I find my peace.

I encourage anyone who wants to put down an investment that will definitely repay them down the road to INVEST in a gym membership or even some at home equipment to get the ball rolling!

I promise I'll be more active on this blog than I have been in the past year if you promise me that you too will make an effort to live a healthier lifestyle. Let's keep each other accountable, not only in health and fitness, but in life altogether.