Saturday, March 18, 2017

Week 2!

I'm going into week 2 pretty sore but that's a sign of progress. My order from arrived and now I'm good to go. Because i'm still in the building phase, i'm having a Gainer protein shake in the morning with breakfast, whey protein after my workouts, and casein protein in the evenings before I go to bed. I'm also taking Creatine in the mornings and before my workouts in the afternoon as well as L-Arginine, Chromium, 1 A Day Men's multivitamin, fish oil, tribulus, and ZMA. I'm hoping this stack of supplements along with a smarter diet of good proteins and complex carbohydrates will give me the energy needed to build up by metabolic rate and increase the speed of my recovery and muscle growth.

My workouts have been great. I do better if I have a regimented workout plan rather than going in and trying to 'wing it'. I think with a steady workout over the next 60-90 days i'll begin to see changes and from there i'll make adjustments as necessary. Until next time!

Monday, March 13, 2017

Resurgence of the Journey

It's been quite a time since i've made a post on here but Im going to hold myself accountable for the next year. I'm going to work hard and get my body to what I once was. I've fallen way off the tracks and that's no one's fault but mine. My diet was less than stellar and my exercise routine has been non consistent and at times, not existent. I'm dedicating 2017 to the year I get back on the road and continue this fitness journey. So here's the unflattering photos, and I'm sorry if it disgusts you, but this is how I hold myself accountable. I have ordered the supplements i'm going to be using for this journey as well as calipers to track my bodyfat percentage as I go. I'm going to stay honest with a healthy intuitive style diet for now, and will not count calories unless i notice 'smart' choices alone aren't cutting it.

13 March 2017 - 240 lbs. worse off than when I started this journey in 2013...

I know, i'm not satisfied either with these photos. Here's the motivation. time to get at it. 

Friday, March 13, 2015

Finding the Drive!!!

I think everyone who has aspirations to conquer anything worth while in their lifetime face a wall. This wall shows up in the beginning when you are trying to gain momentum, at the apex of your journey right before you begin to see the fruits of your labor, and at the end, giving you doubts of your finished product or desired outcomes.

We all need to conquer this wall, tear it down, and not even acknowledge it's existence. This wall is people telling you that you cannot do it, it's the snooze button on your alarm, it's the junk food at the cash register line, it's the nights out with friends when they're all drinking and you're holding on to your cup of water or gallon jug like it's your child. In order to have this self discipline, you need to find your drive, you need to find that vision and motivation that makes every agonizing second go from pain, to power. Each time you feel that pain but do not give in, you are in fact CONQUERING your wall! Each struggle is a victory, small goals amount to lifelong lifestyle changes. This drive is what you must find to start living that healthy lifestyle, to branch out and start your own business, or to move away from everything you know and love and start our fresh like you have always dreamed of!

I myself find my wall starring at me every day. My wall has been defeating me lately. The snooze button has been pressed, the Hershey Bars at the register picked up, and compromising my gym time for social time to make others happy when inside, I wish I was either training or working on something more productive. (Not that I'm an antisocial, I PROMISE!)

I'm learning again to hack away at my walls, my insecurities, my distractions, and take control of my life, my body once again. I feel that the past year, many of you who have followed me and motivated me throughout my first go at the Baltimore Classic I have let down because I have stayed off of my blog and digressed in progress.

I will do everything I can to stay true to myself and to my friends and supporters. Everyone whether it be a mere acquaintance from Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook or a close friend or family member, I will do everything I can in every fiber of my being to not let you down.

I have rededicated myself to making better choices for both my health and my life overall. I aim to progress and exceed all expectations I've ever set. I want to conquer my walls and in turn, help you conquer yours.

I will be training, focusing on my diet, and studying nonstop over the course of the next couple months to be at my best. I want to look bigger and better than my debut and then maintain that physique into the off season.  I want to use my prior outcome, my fitness friends, my doubters, critics, haters, enemies, and my need to achieve at my highest potential at every aspect of my life -  I have found my drive. Let's conquer our walls. My goals are LIMITLESS!!!

I Want To Be The Inspiration...

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Eat nothing but fat!!!!! Home made almond butter recipe!!!!!

Happy March 2015!!!!

Well....haven't been kept accountable and I've let things slide but hey i'm back and I have a great ALL NATURAL recipe for you to try!!!

I got a food processor last Christmas and never really used it because quite frankly, I had no use for it, at least I thought I didn't. I have a had a blender that was handed down to me by my mother that was made in the 1970's and somehow it's still working, so I can still make my protein shakes and smoothies!

Anyways, back to this bad boy right here!

Alright so, first you'll need a food processor. Nothing fancy, just a standard one that has your basic blades. Second, you'll need some WHOLE NATURAL almonds, for the sake of this recipe, you can use salted almonds but I don't recommend it because I like to add my own quantity of salt if I even decide to add any at all, You'll also need coconut oil, I used REFINED coconut oil, and Lastly, Stevia.

After this mixture, I was able to have more than one jar. I used an emptied Maranatha Almond Butter jar for mine.

Remember too when looking at these macros, this almond butter is using two of the VERY BEST momosaturated fats for your body, almonds and coconut oil! Do not be scared by the far content! If anything, this should be what you use daily to hit your macro fat goals!

Alright, I lied....sorry guys, after working the macros, I got crazy numbers, I challenge you to measure and calculate your own macros for this one. This is what I got for mine, but I do not think this calculation is accurate...

Serving = 1 Batch 
Calories: 3540
Protein: 96g
Carbs: 96g
Fats: 308g

Ingredients Breakdown:

2 Cups WHOLE NATURAL Almonds
6 Tbsp melted coconut oil
1/8 cup stevis
Salt (if desired)


1. Blend Almonds and Stevia in food processor until it becomes a fine texture.
2. Melt 6 tbsp coconut oil in microwaveable bowl (45 seconds)
3. Pour coconut oil into food processor and blend into almond mixture
4.Add salt if desired.
5. Allow mixture to blend for about 2 minutes then pour into jar.
6. Place jar in refrigerator for 2-4 hours
7. Enjoy!

Friday, February 6, 2015

INVEST in your future!!!

Life's all about the choices you make. Every choice has a consequence, either positive or negative. This applies also with the choices you make daily in your diet and exercise regiment. By deciding to eat healthier and train on a regular basis, you're making an investment in yourself. This investment will repay you down the road with a stronger immune system as well as the ability to live your live to the FULLEST!!!!!

This should be no surprise to any of you that I am a strong advocate to health and fitness. I believe that it should be essential to everyone's daily routine. Not only are you getting yourself in the best physical shape, but studies have shown that it can help you mentally too. Regular exercise can reduce depression and anxiety! People often joke that the gym is their therapy but it's so true! Often times I find myself just focused on the workout I'm doing at the moment and I am able to zone out any other issues I have going on in my life. Whether the stressor is friends, family, relationships, money, work, or anything else - when I'm in the gym I find my peace.

I encourage anyone who wants to put down an investment that will definitely repay them down the road to INVEST in a gym membership or even some at home equipment to get the ball rolling!

I promise I'll be more active on this blog than I have been in the past year if you promise me that you too will make an effort to live a healthier lifestyle. Let's keep each other accountable, not only in health and fitness, but in life altogether.

Thursday, October 23, 2014


I'm proud to announce that after all the hard work and dedication I have put into living a healthier life, I have been given the amazing opportunity to team up with an amazing company. I'm now a proud member of team Xalo and the MB30  Movement, promoting and using their brand new all-natural and innovative products! 

This is definitely an opportunity that I never thought would come, but after months of consideration and conversation, a vision became a reality. Through Xalo, I can help improve myself and use these awesome products to not only advance and push myself farther, but bring my friends with me along the way!

It's been YOU, my followers, my readers, my friends and family who have kept me accountable and helped me push myself to maintain this track of healthy living and promoting not only fitness, but an overall positive life! I could not have done this without you and now with your thanks, I can finally give back!

If anyone is interested in learning about Xalo or want to try some of out awesome products, please reach out to me! or copy and paste this link!

This will take you to my personal page where you can search through a wide assortment of items from protein, cleansers, workout supplements and even some cosmetic products! 

Click the link, click the shop icon at the bottom right, and start exploring!

This is the opportunity of a lifetime and I am proud to be a part of it. Join me.

More information on products will be posted soon. I began using their supplements in my daily routine and have noticed awesome results. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Quest Bar Cinnamon Roll!

Once I learned that my favorite protein bars have mind was blown. I immediately had to try some of them. My first attempt was the making of a quest bar cinnamon roll, and it was successful!
It's quick, simple, and packed with nutrition!!!!

182 Calories
6g Fat
25g Carbs (17g fiber, 1g sugar!)
21g Protein

1 Cinnamon Bun Flavored Quest Bar
1 tbsp Vanilla Nonfat Greek Yogurt


  • Preheat Oven to 350
  • Use a rolling pin to flatten the quest bar so it's approx. 1/8 of an inch.
  • place quest bar on a greased cookie sheet in hte over for approx 2 minutes.
  • take it out and let it cool for approx 2-3mins.
  • (Optional) Cut it lengthwise to make multiple mini cinnamon rolls
  • evenly spread 1tbsp greek yogurt on the quest bar
  • roll it up!
  • enjoy!