Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Some Motivation to Keep Going and Not Give Up!!!!

I apologize everyone for not posting on here the last ten days, things have been hectic between work and college finals that I've had just enough time to prep meals and hit the gym yet alone write up blogs. But without further or due, here's a little something to remember and hold on to during this holiday season and carry with you into the new year....

The video below spoke to me in more ways than I thought. This motivational video hit home for me because the speaker brought up many hardships I've had to experience during my contest prepping and are still things I must battle today. No matter what your goals are for fitness or in life, stay true to your goals, stay MOTIVATED, and even if the ones closest turn on you and you're left alone, keep going. I've learned in the worst ways that you have to learn to aim for goals that you want to attain for YOU and no one else. Keep pushing yourself every day to be your best and to do your best. You should be doing this for you and no one else. Stay positive and never quit.

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