Monday, March 13, 2017

Resurgence of the Journey

It's been quite a time since i've made a post on here but Im going to hold myself accountable for the next year. I'm going to work hard and get my body to what I once was. I've fallen way off the tracks and that's no one's fault but mine. My diet was less than stellar and my exercise routine has been non consistent and at times, not existent. I'm dedicating 2017 to the year I get back on the road and continue this fitness journey. So here's the unflattering photos, and I'm sorry if it disgusts you, but this is how I hold myself accountable. I have ordered the supplements i'm going to be using for this journey as well as calipers to track my bodyfat percentage as I go. I'm going to stay honest with a healthy intuitive style diet for now, and will not count calories unless i notice 'smart' choices alone aren't cutting it.

13 March 2017 - 240 lbs. worse off than when I started this journey in 2013...

I know, i'm not satisfied either with these photos. Here's the motivation. time to get at it. 

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