Saturday, March 18, 2017

Week 2!

I'm going into week 2 pretty sore but that's a sign of progress. My order from arrived and now I'm good to go. Because i'm still in the building phase, i'm having a Gainer protein shake in the morning with breakfast, whey protein after my workouts, and casein protein in the evenings before I go to bed. I'm also taking Creatine in the mornings and before my workouts in the afternoon as well as L-Arginine, Chromium, 1 A Day Men's multivitamin, fish oil, tribulus, and ZMA. I'm hoping this stack of supplements along with a smarter diet of good proteins and complex carbohydrates will give me the energy needed to build up by metabolic rate and increase the speed of my recovery and muscle growth.

My workouts have been great. I do better if I have a regimented workout plan rather than going in and trying to 'wing it'. I think with a steady workout over the next 60-90 days i'll begin to see changes and from there i'll make adjustments as necessary. Until next time!

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