Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Quest Bar Cinnamon Roll!

Once I learned that my favorite protein bars have recipes.....my mind was blown. I immediately had to try some of them. My first attempt was the making of a quest bar cinnamon roll, and it was successful!
It's quick, simple, and packed with nutrition!!!!

182 Calories
6g Fat
25g Carbs (17g fiber, 1g sugar!)
21g Protein

1 Cinnamon Bun Flavored Quest Bar
1 tbsp Vanilla Nonfat Greek Yogurt


  • Preheat Oven to 350
  • Use a rolling pin to flatten the quest bar so it's approx. 1/8 of an inch.
  • place quest bar on a greased cookie sheet in hte over for approx 2 minutes.
  • take it out and let it cool for approx 2-3mins.
  • (Optional) Cut it lengthwise to make multiple mini cinnamon rolls
  • evenly spread 1tbsp greek yogurt on the quest bar
  • roll it up!
  • enjoy!

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