Friday, November 15, 2013

Let's clear the dust...

  Not 48 hours into this blog I am receiving flack indirectly from people who want to give me a hard time about my blog.

As with all actions no matter positive or negative you will be faced with a reaction.  Unfortunately sometimes the reactions you get are not based on your intention and often they can be easily resolved after a simple conversation. 

With that being said, let's clear the dust on a few things...

For one,  as all of my current and now future followers will know, I am not a certified trainer, nutritionist or any of the related. I have never claimed to be nor will I. As I stated from the start I am sharing what I have learned and continue to learn through my own experiences. I have had enough people come to me who want a advice and help and this is intended to be a way to share any advice or information.

   Think of this blog as a conversation amongst friends because that's exactly what it is. Nothing more. I'm a mere enthusiast and in no way a professional.

   Also, I do not intend for this blog to attract many people. Just family and friends who want to track my progress as well as possibly gain a second insight on a healthy lifestyle that may either compliment or contradict their own philosophy.

   Also what I say on here I do not claim to be fact or the only way to do things. This is simply what I have done to get the results I received through the help of friends and trainers. I just wish to pass on what I have learned from them in hopes others can love a healthier and more positive life. Remember that this is merely  A way but not THE way.

   I am trying to create something positive and a tool of motivation.  Not only for whomever reads this but by doing this blog I am even keeping myself honest to live a healthy life. 

   So please, do not troll my blog only to look for ways to bash me or be arrogant. It's not needed and I haven't done anything to anyone to receive such a response.

   If you have a serious problem then please just message me. Don't take it to social media. We're all adults here.

   Hopefully I've cleared everything up and I hope only positive reactions and outcomes are produced from here on out due to this blog.

     - Be the Inspiration

1 comment:

  1. Its great to be able to share your experiences with others, both bad and good ones. I for one have seen your posts pop up on my newsfeed and I am beyond impressed by your hard work, dedication and transformation. It takes a certain type of individual to pursue a lifestyle change like the one you did and do it exceptionally well. I also keep a blog. I am pursuing my dreams of becoming a professional athlete and I, like you, want to inspire people to follow their dreams, all which come with ups and downs but the one concept that always remains the same no matter what the dream is, is to never give up. Blogs are created so people can see what we go through, see that it is not easy, but with hard work and dedication, goals can be accomplished. I applaud you for your accomplishments and your dedication. Keep working hard, you're an inspiration to many!
