Friday, November 15, 2013

What's your drive?

   For me, my inspiration to start to live a clean, active lifestyle came from a number of factors. Initially, It was my own self disgust after being at a fitness contest (Maryland NPC East Coast Classic) and knowing that there was absolutely no excuse as to why I couldn't be in as good as shape as the Men's Physique competitors. My other motivation was from my job in the military, where on a monthly basis, we were and still are, losing members due to their performance on the fitness tests. And also, I wanted to make myself the best I could be as a whole person. I wanted to be fulfilled spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. Being 100% fulfilled in every aspect of this I know is near impossible, but that is exactly why I strive for it. If someone or even if society tries to tell me that I can't do something, I smile and say, "challenge accepted".
   Over time this drive to prove others wrong, to be held up to others standards, and to push to what society sees as the "ideal" physique went to the wayside and it became a pure test of my own inner strength to push myself beyond limits I didn't even know existed. It started as a battle against the world but ended as a true battle against myself.

   This was my drive.

   I wanted to show myself that I could reach any goal I set for myself, any doubts I created, any reserves I felt, could be overcome by sheer perseverance, self-discipline, and passion. My drive was and still is to prove to myself that I can overcome any obstacle God throws my way and not only overcome it, but dominate it.

My drive and motivation since the success in my contest has now been one of sharing my experiences, sharing this drive, this passion I have towards a clean healthy lifestyle with anyone who seeks to accomplish the same. I want to collaborate, learn, and grow even more than what I already have. Not only clean in diet, but clean in the sense of living a positive life that can lead to a chain reaction of influence around you. You will be surprised to see how many people will come out of the wood work when they see your success and they want to share in that success. This is when you take what you have learned, and what you have accomplished and give it off to another so they too can create a healthy and positive lifestyle to radiate to others. Lets begin the chain. Find your drive, your motivation, your fire, and ignite it.

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